Hello, I'm getting a 430 error code on one specific site when trying to hit the "recurring_application_charges" api end point. It only happens on one specific site using our app. What does this 43...
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Not working for me, I get Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'target' does not exist in type 'ResponseInit'.ts(2353)I'm using redirect from remix-node:import {redirect} from "@remix-run/node";Is there a different import I should be...
The move to api 2022-10 removed Origin_Location, I was able to get the origin address but it no longer has a province_code, where can I get the Province_Code value now?There is "Province" but that is just the full name and is pretty useless for runni...
@harishman1 oh that's interesting. I'm still getting 404 but that's good to know it eventually sorted itself out.
So it seems shopify changed something in their api and are returning a bad confirmation_url.What they are sending in now (sections in bold should NOT be in the url):'https://-.myshopify.com/admin/charges/278XXX7/2229XXX6490/RecurringApplicationCharge...
This is also happening on my plugin now.It has been working fine for months and now all the sudden we are getting 404 on recurring charge confirmation redirect with no changes on our end.
So the issue is we are providing shipping rates through our own app using the carrier_service api but when the customer moves from the shipping address section to the shipping method selection section the request that Shopify is sending us is pretty ...
Thanks for the response!It seems even passing in 'province' as null still causes the address validation in the order create to fail.I had to completely remove the province field from the request all together for it go through and populate the address...
Im trying to submit an international order through the order create api end point and the shipping/billing address is not coming through.After digging into it it seems that having a blank "Province" in the address is causing the address validation to...
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Subject | Views | Posted |
1822 | 02-28-2020 02:40 PM |