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Could you add some more detail for what you mean by "returns set up by customer tag"? Our 5-star app, Atomic Returns, offers automations based upon customer tags: overriding default fees (or free returns), automatically generating shipping labels, se...
Hi there, There are many apps in the App Store which provide return label generation and tracking for those labels.  Each app generally provides a different integration to a number of shipping carriers.  Some apps support some carriers while other su...
Below is what support says.  (if you like the REST API, comment here, or submit a new support request). I ran your question past my internal team to see if they may have any other insight we can provide. We looked into it and this does seem to be one...
That URL should be:
Hi! Our app helps our merchants upload assets (mostly images, and a small bit of merchant customizable CSS) that are displayed with a Proxy App.  We use the AssetAPI to allow Shopify to host these files because they are part of the storefront.   It d...
Hello! Atomic Returns (app) offers this functionality: ship returns to specific locations based on product.  We're free to install and test out.  Check us out. We also provide a lot of great other features to help make accepting return requests and p...
Hi Katherine, Check out our app, Atomic Returns, ( .  We have only 5-star reviews, meet your requirements, and have a bunch more features than Return Magic.  We're free to install and have a 30 day free trial, ...
Lots of Apps in the App store. Shopify app search for "returns"... Also check out, Atomic Returns  (our 5.0 star app, 12 reviews)
Hello! We're Atomic Returns, and we work with Canadian shippers through an account with EasyPost, Shipstation, or Shippo.  We're free to install and test out and have been told we have the best features for the money.  Some of our Canadian customers ...
For anyone interested, it is a Ruby on Rails thing:
I was wrong!  After more testing, it appears to be some extra (unexpected) work that the software package I am using does.   Thanks for your quick response.
Hello! I've been using the shopify_app ruby gem, and was just inspecting some webhook payloads and noticed that for Order/Update and Product/Update webhooks there appears to be a duplicative key with the object payload duplicated?  It appears to alwa...
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