Sep 24, 2020
I have the tap and chip reader and it's terrible. It never works. Is the chip and swipe reader better? What does everyone use for taking payment? Right now most of the time I have to manually put in...
Sep 18, 2020
Is there a way to change the font JUST in the "rich text" sections of my homepage? Also, is there a way to make the background in those sections a color and then I can make the font white so they sta...
Hi I would love any and all constructive feedback on my shop.Below is the preview link. One of the things I've struggled with the most is the size of my logo, is it big enough? I...
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I am using the Envy theme and on my checkout page it is showing the "express checkout" options first and then all the way down the CC option. It's confusing my customers because they think the only way to pay is by using these "express" options and t...
Did you ever find a solution to this? I wanted to do this as well and can't find anything like it
Am I doing something wrong, this still didn't work for me. Do I need to edit this sizing?