Hi there. I have a store with thousands of products and I have been trying to think of a way that will have a related products section closely match the current parent product you are viewing. As ...
Hello. I have been looking around on the internet but have been unable to find an example that best suits my needs. I want to create a custom product recommendation section. Although one tha...
Hi there So I am building a shopify store for a client and I am very puzzled as to how to achieve what they want. I think what I want to do is use a custom fields app. Although the client do...
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Hi there I have the latest theme of Debut installed and for the life of me I cannot find out how to edit the Product page slider. I know it is slick that's installed by default. How do I edit this so arrows show and touch swipe can be implemented on ...
Hi there I have added the cart.js to my shopify theme, and this code. Yet nothing seems to work at all. Am I missing something? Is the code supposed to be edited further by me and this is why it is not working? I am on debut theme.
I added the code as per your instructions and nothing worked with adding the product to the cart. It was on the cart page.It was on debut theme.Several people talk about how it has never worked for them on this thread yet. Saying basically exactly th...
Hi there everybody so i've figured it out myself and instead of telling you I figured it out, I am actually going to reveal to you how to do it.I am using debut theme, yet I wonder if this is the reason why most people cannot get it to work in the ot...
What is the extra step, can you not tell us what it is instead of not providing the answer? I am using debut and cannot get it working either and have tried everything. 
Hi thank you for the response and I really like your app. Especially this part - search_attributes({{ line_items.properties }}, "Birthday")Is this just a function supported by your app, or can I also use this in my order confirmation email?ThanksID 
Hey that's great thank you so much for the recommendation I'll look into these apps. The EZ one looks like it might do the exact job.I have another question. So I understand how the loop works to show all the line properties and with the nature of my...
\hi there great tutorial.Is there no way to easily export all this data when the orders are created? What if you have 1000 orders of a product with customisations like this. What would be the easiest way to export the data and manage it?Thanks
Hi there, great tutorial, it works perfectly on the Product page on my Debut theme.One thing I was wondering that I noticed was it doesn't work when I add the code into the "Featured Product" section on the Homepage. Is there any way to have it work ...
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