Jul 18, 2020
Hey community, how can I create a custom header, that only appears on some pages and is responsible? I know, that's a big request, but it's an important step for my store, because I have multiple l...
Hey community, I want to make my blog posts appear in a 2x2 grid per Page, how can i do this, I am working on the Venture theme, here is my store Link: https://shou2tctyaxuqyeg-28627763234.s...
Apr 28, 2020
Hey community, I am working on the narrative theme and I want to make the slider Non-Responsive but only the Slider, so that mobile Users see all the Media on the Slider. Maybe I could do th...
Apr 27, 2020
Hey, i am working with the narrative warm theme and i want to change the color of the Gallery icons (e.a.: The globe, the tick, etc.) but i dont want to change the primary accent of the page?! How ca...
Apr 3, 2020
Hey so in my Them, I have two Product descriptions, one (The normal one) and a second that is at the bottom by the Theme. They are related so if I type something in the Product Description i...
Apr 2, 2020
Hey, How can i remove those two buttons, at the t-shirt, look at the Picture. Thanks in Advance
Apr 2, 2020
Hey, How can I remove the "Quick View" Button from the Shop Page? Right now I have no Store Link, sorry Thanks so so much in Advance, Lovis
Mar 17, 2020
Hey Communtity, I want to make buy x-pices get 2,1Eur Discount. Here is the Stores URL: https://0s29wijvcz6k0h59-35234152587.shopifypreview.com I want to make it via Code because ...
Mar 10, 2020
Hey, I want to make my Quantity increase +50 if i turn the Quantity arrow one up or -50 if i turn it doen, insthead of + and - 1. It could be with coding, apps, etc. Dont really matters &n...
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BTW: Heres my Store URL: https://l9wtgx6nf24wglln-26302283838.shopifypreview.com
Hey, I am working with the narrative theme, is there any chance that I can add a Normal Page as Thank you, Page, so that our Customers are Redirected to that page after Buying. Please only completely Free Apps, Shopify built Ins or coding Thanks so m...
@Anonymous it will vary, but ive already implementet an ef/else statement regarding Product Tags, that way i can sort themThank you so much
@Anonymous,Hey,I am a newbie in coding so it would be nice if you could show me how its done...Thanks so much