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Hey, and could you also help me with the verified label and "v" that are also blue.I also want them in an other color. kind regards,
Hey, Also have a solution for the blue links in the carrousel on the home page? (bottom)
Hey, can someone help me with this problem?i added a wishlist and app on my webshop, but the links shown on my pages are blue.I want them to be the same colors as the dawn theme. link:
Hey, I did that before asking here, that did not work for me.Shopify made 16 collections instead of 15 when i changed that number to 45. my collection list, i made 4 collections lists now. {"sections": {"main": {"type": "main-list-collections","disab...
And how much time and money does this coding take?There is no option to just change the amount of collections you can add to 45 instead of 15?
I want to change my theme to the new "Dawn" Theme.But i noticed that the collection list page shows all collections, so i tried to make my own collection by adding a collection list.Now i noticed that there is a limit of 15 collections on a collectio...
How can you add taxes on Gift Cards?Cause we have a digital webshop, if you buy a gift card for 10€ you are not paying taxes on that gift card.So if someone is using that gift card to buy 10€ of products on the webshop, than the amount that has to be...
Beste Ik zit met een probleem. Ik heb alle producten die ik toevoegde correct gelinkt aan een collectie. Ook bij de collecties staan deze producten gelinkt aan die collectie. In het hoofdmenu kan je een dropdown kiezen met de collecties en als je daa...