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It took me a while to find this: fullscreen view is now called max-modal and realized differently
It took me a while to find this: fullscreen view is now called max-modal and realized differently.
What about development or staging apps? You have to create a listing and everything...
Hi there,I was just wondering about the same thing and came across this blog post: found the PolarisViz project: that helps.
Has anybody figured out anything? Maybe this helps check:query webhookSubscriptions {
webhookSubscriptions(first:50) {
nodes {
endpoint {
... on WebhookHttpEndpoint {
Any updates on this?
Isn't the app embed stored in the blocks key in config/settings_data.json? Maybe @Shopify can confirm that?
Form my testing i have not found any themes that don't add the app embeds to the settings_data.json.Has anyone a counter example?
Did you find a good solution for this?
Hi there, as the document documentation is limited in Where can one find more details about how to use app-bridge actions. Like import { Redirect } from '@shopify/app-bridge/actions';Redirect.create(app).dispatc...