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‎01-22-2022 01:52 AM
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Bio: We are Shopify Partners building ecom for customers and apps for the platform.

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I've never used Next.JS.... But for an example... I make a PHP file in the private app... Call it through the app proxy..  And now I can load it in the theme without being blocked by CORS.  Do some googling - or otherwise maybe hire a specialist for ...
Hi there,  No you at least need a minimal public app so the customer can accept what permissions to give you and who can disconnect you any time they may want to.  The only other way to do it, is by becoming a Shopify Partner and being giving access ...
Hi there,  Not really too difficult... To get from frontend to backend you need to use app-proxy: https://shopify.dev/apps/online-store/app-proxies Takes 30 sec to set up - and then you can access the admin api accordingly. 
Hi everyone,  I would love to hear some inspiration on this. I think a way to really expand on public apps in Shopify is going into the industries that yet are to come to Shopify.  Currently I'm making an app where we on a product would have 4-5 opti...
Hi there,  I would look at this: https://shopify.dev/api/ajax/reference/cart The keyword when you search is including "cart.js" then you can find hundreds of threads regarding this. 
Hi there,  I think the real way of doing this is ensuring you no longer has a token that works to their shop. In this case you are certain that if it's still installed it will end up with an error page.  You could start here: https://shopify.dev/api/...
You have to specify more specifically before we are able to point you in the right direction. What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
With thousands of apps on the App Store; then there is no full guidelines for this. Also some apps can conflicts with some themes.  The only thing you can do is to test it. If it doesn't work well, then hire a Shopify developer that can analyse for t...
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