Hello, how to create custom page with shopify python sdk?
Hello, I am trying to authenticate an embedded app with session tokens. The backend is written in python with flask. This is the frontend code with shopify app bridge: var AppBridge = wind...
Hello, I am trying to get it to work an embedded app with flask. When I try to run it I get this error: Unable to load the app due to a problem with cookies on the browser. Try enabling cookies on ...
Hello, I need to add a set of products with specific variants. ui.createComponent('productSet', {id: 1234,variantId: [4567,3456],id: 2234,variantId: [745]... ...
Hello, it happens every 24 hours or less that the token of a custom app is invalidated. The app is on google app engine, I gave read access to products.json API only. I use the shopify python sdk t...
Hello when I try to create an instance of apollo client I get this error: Cannot read property 'cache' of undefined Fine if I create an instance of InMemoryCache I get another error: _a...
Hello the ResourceList object is not rendered. This is the code sample of the App.js file : import '@shopify/polaris/dist/styles.css';import enTranslations from '@shopify/polaris/locales/e...
Hello I want to update the collection handles with the API but I want to know what is the algorithm which generate the handle from the collection or product title. For exampe if I rename the product...
Hello, is there an app that let the customers post article on blog? The customers to post on blog should be registered users and they can load photos. If there is no app how to do that?
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You can use shopify forms.
Hello, I am trying to implement the search filter for the IndexFilter polaris Component.It is supposed to reload page with the new parameter to pass to the graphql query but the page is not properly loaded.What is the correct way to implement the sea...
I discovered that the problem was caused by an invalid telephone number.
Adearriba, thank you for your response.I noticed that ProducSet mutation is not able to upload images like the previous ProductCreate or ProductUpdate mutation, do you confirm that?
Hello can you show me an example on how can we create products, with variants, with the new product model api 2024-04 using bulkOperationRunMutation ?
Hello, I am adding a product url on cart.js but when the order is created it is not rendered as a link.How can I implement that?Here the code form data sent to cart.js: let formData = { 'items': [{ 'id': variant_id, 'quantity': 1,...
When I try to create a shopify metafield definition I get: Setting access controls on a definition under this namespace is not permittedThis is the graphql variable:    "definition": { "description": "mymeta", "key": "mymeta",...
Hello, I've created a metafield of metaobject with 5 text fields.I added the metafield as a filter in the search e discovery app.The problem is that only the selected field of the metaobject is shown, how can I show all the metaobject fields?
There aren't in the "note_attributes" field, I've tried.
They are not extensions,  it was added by shopify.
Hello Where I can get that informations from the shopify rest Order API ?Take a look at the image below:
Hello I want to modify two fields of the checkout payment step, they are enabled only for the italian shopify store.Currently these forms are optional, I want to let them mandatory for italian user only.Is it possible without a shopify plus plan?How?
Hello how to include field "deliveryProfile" in product listings update json output?I want to get "metafieldNamespaces" too.How to add these fields?
Hello I am getting the error: "Invalid access configuration for a type without app ownership" when I try to create a metaobject definition.The custom app has write and read access to metaobjects and all related to them.This is the graphql code defini...
Hello, there is a way to get the product listings of a sales channel through the bulk api?
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