Hi all When I go to my partner portal there is an option to export merchants, revenue and app history into a CSV. Is there a way to do this with the API? I can't seem to find any endpoints ...
Jun 28, 2020
Hi, We have a sales channel app that has been approved for payment processing via stripe connect. This app points to our production deployment. However, when I develop I obviously don't wan...
Hi, Out of nowhere I am getting an issue with installing my development app. This was working just fine for months, and then all of a sudden I started getting back a 403 with the following ...
Hi, Out of nowhere I am getting an issue with installing my development app. This was working just fine for months, and then all of a sudden I started getting back a 403 with the following ...
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for anyone struggling I solved it.Turns out the API documents are just wrong.The one I was following is: https://shopify.dev/tutorials/complete-a-sales-channel-payment-with-checkout-api and it states the body should be:{
"payment": {
"amount": ...
Hey Shopify community I am trying to get to payments.json endpoint working and it's been a real struggle. I have been following this guideline: https://shopify.dev/tutorials/complete-a-sales-channel-payment-with-checkout-api My steps are as follows:1...
Hi @_JB So I got this resolved by creating a new store.However, even when I set my gateway to a bogus gateway or set my shop gateways to test mode I still had that issue with my previous store.Is this the intended behaviour? I don't think it makes se...
Hey Shopify folks I have a development store called https://cohort-demo.myshopify.com/ When I query at the /shop.json/ endpoint I get back that:"checkout_api_supported": true I have test mode for payments enabled.However whenever I try to POST to /ad...
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Subject | Views | Posted |
947 | 05-25-2020 10:31 PM |