I'm trying to POST to this endpoint: https://shopify.dev/docs/admin-api/rest/reference/shipping-and-fulfillment/fulfillmentrequest?api[ve... With this payload: { "fulfillment_req...
I'm trying to POST to this endpoint: https://shopify.dev/docs/admin-api/rest/reference/shipping-and-fulfillment/fulfillmentrequest?api[version]=2020-07#create-2020-07 With this payload: ...
No questions, just wanted to point this out since it wasn't immediately obvious and no searching yielded this answer. When you have a Staff Account with permissions to manage and edit orders...
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It looks like handle only gets updated when you release a new version (after switching configs). I switched the handle, ran my production deployment, and the handle updated With the Shopify CLI:shopify app config useselect your production config, wit...
It looks like handle only gets updated when you release a new version (after switching configs). I switched the handle, ran my production deployment, and the handle updated With the Shopify CLI:shopify app config useselect your production config, wit...
It looks like handle only gets updated when you release a new version (after switching configs). I switched the handle, ran my production deployment, and the handle updated With the Shopify CLI:shopify app config useselect your production config, wit...
It looks like handle only gets updated when you release a new version (after switching configs). I switched the handle, ran my production deployment, and the handle updated With the Shopify CLI:shopify app config useselect your production config, wit...
Hey @Robert_Radtke & @chriswise71 - I ran into this too! The docs mention that Draft Orders do indeed have async operations that need to complete before the link will work. They recommend inspecting the headers for a "retry-after" value, then polling...
I haven't had time to look into a solution to this, but I had some ideas:- Similar to the plugin you found, maybe knowing their region ahead of time would allow you to catch any redirects to /checkout, then check inventory on the items in the cart ag...
The solution is to add the "content" API access scope. Sounds like they're fixing it to return a 500 error instead, now. https://community.shopify.com/c/metafields-and-custom-data/metafielddefinitions-graphql-query-for-ownertype-page-results-in/m-p/2...
That worked! May I suggest updated the label in the Admin API Access Scopes UI to something like:"View or manage articles, blogs, comments, pages, redirects, and metafield definitions"?
 I tried this query to retrieve PAGE MetafieldDefinitions, which gave an internal exception:  query { metafieldDefinitions(first: 250, ownerType: PAGE) { edges { node { id, name } } } }Here are the full results:    "me...
This was helpful to me in understanding how products get oversold: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/locations/setting-up-your-location-fulfillments#order-fulfillment-priority Two scenarios they don't mention on here that caused me issues: - If a pr...
Thanks for this answer, Seth. I was having a similar issue. So, is there a way to set locations (as they are setup through the UI) to be marked as something other than 'manual' for the fulfillment service provider? I have a situation where I have a p...
I'm curious about this too. It seems like the system always uses the Fulfillment Center Priority as a fallback strategy, but there's no option to opt out of this scheme altogether. I'm still trying to figure out if it's possible to do with Multiple S...
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