Hi, I am trying to figure an accurate return on ad spend for my google campaign. I am seeing significant differences in the numbers between the Google Ads site and the data for the same...
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I want to be able to access customer order information from within gmail. For example if a customer emailed me asking about the status of an order I would like to be able to view and/or copy paste their address without having to change tabs and sea...
Hi!I deleted it after the preview did not show any change.Thanks,Ben
Hi! I have not solved it yet.
Thanks! But this also did not seem to produce a change.
Thanks so much for finding the issue! I note however that when I added the snippit to thetheme.scss.liquid it did not produce an underline. Thanks, Ben
Hi! Most of my hyperlinks are underlined, however a few for whatever reason are not! In particular the "What is a sourdough starter" on the bottom left below is not, which is annoying as I want my customers to understand that that is a link. Strang...