Dec 7, 2020
Hello everyone, I'm trying to make paginated requests to admin, but not succeeding. I already follow this link: Still no s...
Jul 30, 2020
Hello, I have a store and each product opens in a modal when clicked. In the modal I have a wishlist button. If I close a modal and open again for another product, the wishlist button is missing. ...
Jun 3, 2020
Hello, I'm stuck in a app development, can someone please help me? I'm currently developing an app at my job. I successfully created it using shopify-cli, installed in my store and ...
Jun 3, 2020
Hi, I just created an app using shopify-cli, it's installed and embed in my Admin API. Is there a way to get the customer ID in __st.cid to use it in my app?
Jun 1, 2020
Hello, I'm stuck in a app development, can someone please help me? I'm currently developing an app at my job. I successfully created it using shopify-cli, installed in my store and ...
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Thanks @mikedasilva
Hey,I have a custom app deployed at Heroku and already installed in my store.I registered a webhook in the authentication process and it worked for sometime. And then after awhile I started receiving e-mails from Shopify saying that my webhook was fa...
Thanks @CalD
Hello,I created an orders create webhook to check if an orders has an specific discount code applied.I can get that with webhook, but to check this I need the discount code title, which is not coming in the webhook.Can I get the discount code title i...
Thanks,I'm quite new to web development, but I'll check out if App Proxy is the right thing to do.I'm making an app for Discount Code.The ideia of my app is that at checkout page the customer had access to the value they have available for a discount...
Thanks,But I'm wondering if is this secure?I found an option to save accessToken in cookies, which maybe is not good in terms of security of my application.What about the accessToken as a global variable in my code?
Hi,I'm developing an app to Shopify and started wondering. Can I make the accessToken variable globally for usage in my whole backend in Koa.js? It'll make my work way easier.