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Yes, the problem still exists, and I can expect that many other store owners are not YET aware that the problem exists. There has not been any solution, and this is an ongoing battle that Shopify is sweeping under the carpet, which can also be said t...
Hello Josh, in seeking assistance, I have been going through the SEO threads and see that you appear almost every time and offer the same help. A link to an app. Unfortunately, recommending an app is not the best source of assistance. Having said tha...
Ok, so Shopify has CONFIRMED there is a technical glitch/bug/issue that is seriously causing negative effects to Shopify stores. SO WHY DOES SHOPIFY NOT SEND OUT NOTIFICATIONS TO ANY STORES TO ADVISE THEM OF THE ISSUE AND LET THE STORE OWNERS KNOW TH...
Has anyone noticed a significant shift in their site traffic?Since May, there's been a 30% decline in our organic traffic, even though we haven't made any changes. Before May 2023, our organic visits remained consistent for the preceding three years....
Ok, as we dig deeper down this rabbit hole, we've now been presented with two different ways to create a new robots.txt file to add a rule for blocking the .atom URLS.  Can anyone possibly confirm which coding entry is the best or correct?OPTION A # ...
Just a thought, have any of you been getting repeated spam emails from people who want to offer their services to do a SEO audit on your site to help your Google rankings?  I suspect that it could be these types of people who are someone hacking the ...
How long has everyone been a Shopify customer? I have been since 2018 and there has been a drastic drop in customer service. And even the fact that they have brushed this off to several owners as stated above, they should be monitoring these chats an...
Ok, so as we can see there appears to be an ongoing and serious problem here. 1. How are these urls being attached to our sites?2. How much of a negative impact are these in our sites Google ranking and search results?3. WHY IS SHOPIFY APPARENTLY IGN...
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