Aug 11, 2020
Hey guys! I was wondering if someone could help me out with this design issue im having on my debut theme. I added a collection list to my home page and the sizing is so wonky. I would love for the ...
Jun 14, 2020
Ive added a section to my store "shop by category". I used Gallery section option to do this. Once I "view my store" it overlaps the section under it. Also, the padding on the mobile version is VERY ...
Jun 5, 2020
Im having trouble editing one section "shop by category" on my homepage to adjust with mobile phones like the rest of my sections. See photos. I think there may be something in the code that I'm over...
Jun 3, 2020
Hey! Im setting up my store and I'm having issue with making my banner clickable. (Debut theme) I have a code that does work but it enlarges my banner way too big. I was wondering what I should chang...
I formed a new code for my INFO page with a grid of clickable photos which will take you to certain pages on my site. The photos now cover the footer. I am now realizing I should edit the whole code ...
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Im experiencing the same issue. I followed the steps on replacing the code area but now my photo is way larger than it was before and I cant edit the size. Its very zoomed in. Any help on how to fix this??