Jun 4, 2020
We just added a tipping feature to our checkout. Is there a way to show which orders tipped?
Jun 4, 2020
Hi, Does anyone know if there is a way to report which orders shipping to NON-USA locations? We just enabled international shipping and wanted to know if/when/where orders are placed.
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On check out am I able to require phone number AND email? I have to choose Email so we can send them more information when they purchase... but I'd like both. Select what contact method customers use to check out.Customers will receive order and sh...
Can anyone code this? I got a quote from an india based company, 80 days they claim... but not using Shopify... I was wondering if a rental program could be built using shopify.
I'm looking to rent assets (spare offices / parkings stalls / equipment). I was wondering if Shopify could work for that. Front end: customer registrationcustomer determines how long they want to rent an item (hourly, daily, monthly)inventory chang...