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I'm sorry, I don't have an answer to your question, but I was wondering if you could tell me how you connected your Fedex account to your shopify store?
Let me know if you figured out a way to continue with shopify shipping but connect your FedEx account. One thing I can tell you is to not use the "FedEx by Shippo" app.
Hi - Our UPS account is getting new rates starting on Monday. Does anyone know if the rates automatically adjust in Shopify since our account is already linked to it? I'm wondering if I need to uninstall and reinstall UPS on Monday to get the new r...
Did you find a solution to this? I'm looking to do something similar.
We already have an account with Fedex but the Fedex by Shippo app on Shopify offers better rates. I have already reached out to shopify support and they were unable to help me.
Anyone else getting an error when they try to create a label using Fedex by Shippo?
Hi - I love that Shopify is now offering FedEx. However we really need FedEx to pick up and I know shippo does not support that right now. Has anyone found a work-around to get FedEx to pick up?Our current FedEx rep wants to attempt to emulate the ...
Hi Anastasia ~ I certainly would be open to working with developer to accomplish this.I will send you an email.Thank you.Nicole
Hi - I'm currently using a rewards / loyalty app and a subscription app. These two apps do not integrate so I manually have to refund customers who have earned points but use subscriptions. Does anyone know if there are any apps or ways that I can ...