Hello All, My website in in Debut Theme. I have a .js file, .CSS file and html code for Photo Gallery. Can someone please explain me where should I upload these files in Shopify Admin...
Sep 15, 2020
Hello, Need help with displaying custom field what i have created at order level called Lot_No left to "Mark as fulfilled" button. Any workarounds please help. Thank...
Sep 10, 2020
i have noticed when i export orders - i can view product and customer details but not barcode field. can someone please help me to accomplish same ? TIA
Aug 10, 2020
Is there anyway to export Product's Bar-code field too while exporting orders ? Idea is to know each order placed - product details including Bar code assigned in inventory for same. Right now when ...
Jul 29, 2020
Theme Used : Debut My requirement is when i add product in back-end , would like to have a free text box to enter Batch -Lot NO for that particular product. is this possible in S...
Jul 29, 2020
Theme Used : Debut My requirement is when i add product in back-end , would like to have a free text box to enter Batch -Lot NO for that particular product. is this possible in Sho...
Jul 24, 2020
Theme used: Debut Is there anyway to automate order fulfillment instead of going to each orders and "Mark fulfilled" . Also would like to know if can print shipping labels in batches instead of prin...
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Thanks for Replying !As we are going to sell food products online and every product we sell to customer need to have a batch number or barcode. Idea is to track every Order's Barcode and able to export same field what looks shopify does not allows t...
Hello All,Is there any way to view Barcode field too below SKU here in Order Detail page while fulfilling and creating label ? also would love to have same field while exporting tooThanks In Advance !