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It's already solved but I'll leave the comment to complement the solution. When using the Shopify proxy it is not necessary to export a view in Polaris because it is not rendered in the admin panel but in the client. Therefore you must remove the fol...
Puedes probar con el parámetro 'type' o 'quantity' que no son cacheados por Shopify.Por ejemplo para tu url:?p1=handle-a&p2=handle-bhandle-a + handle-b== handle-a-handle-b Deberás combinar todos los handle que mandes y unificarlos en un solo parám...
I would like to share this:If for some reason you are trying to manually add Okendo Reviews to your website or your Shopify theme is too old or looking to integrate it outside the shopify environment. Get your Okendo unique user ID at:Okendo Dashboar...
Primero, debe crear el siguiente snippet:snippets/get-url-query.liquid {%- capture content_for_query_string -%}{{ content_for_header }}{%- endcapture -%}
{%- liquid
assign query_key = query_key | default: blank
assign query_value = blank
Por alguna extraña razón size deja de funcionar en ocasiones. Lo que hice fue algo manual.{%- assign count = 0 -%}
{%- for media in -%}
{%- assign mediaCount = mediaCount | plus: 1 -%}
{%- endfor -%}
Count: {{ count }}