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I'm not sure I understand @KetanKumar. Can you give me more detail on how to fix this issue?
Bumping this question. Any thoughts, community?
This is an SEO issue. The "/collections/fryers/" link exists and takes you to the same place as the "/colletions/fryers/fryers/" link. I'm assuming this is because the collections were previously organized by tag. Unfortunately, even after organizing...
Thanks! Below is an example of the pages in question on our clients' or  I also have created a redirect from the default themed "/collections/...
Bumping this. @KetanKumar, I see you have a pretty powerful reputation as an expert. Have you run across this problem/know a solution?
Hey Everyone, I have a client store that is having an SEO issue with duplicate content. Basically, products are tagged with the same term as the collection. For example ".com/collection/fryers/fryers/". I've done a bit of digging around but haven't b...
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