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Hi @dave_shipperhq Yes the idea is to calculate shipping rate on the cart.So the customer should be able to select their shipping address.
Hi @Thagana,Did you find a solution to your question? I’m currently facing the same situation, and I was hoping you could help if you've already resolved it.Thank you so much!
Hi,I’m displaying the default user shipping address at the top of the cart as the default value in a select dropdown. I need to allow the user to select a different address as the shipping address for the cart. After that, when they click on checkout...
Hi YOD_Solutions! I already set the content security policy header as you can see my last code. Would you mind checking it and give me an advice? Thank you so much!
Hi, YOD_Solutions!Thank you for your kind response!I have updated the functions according to your reply, but it still shows same. It opens the original Laravel app hosted on Heroku, not embedded in Shopify dashboard.Here is updated ShopifyAuthControl...
 Hi there!I am building a Shopify public app (sales channel) using Shopify Polaris and Laravel, hosted on Heroku. I created the app on the Shopify Partner account dashboard and configured it with an app URL and a redirection URL. For the app URL, I a...
Hi there!I need to integrate Recharge subscription widget on custom page, not on product template.There the customers should be able to choose subscription product and option that would be pulled from Recharge via API.To do this, I added JavaScript c...
Yes, I had to set the 'notify_customer' parameter to True when creating fulfillment via an API call.
Hi there!We fulfill the orders using fulfillment API on the custom app we developed.And it doesn't send the fulfillment notification email to customers.Before we used jetti/Onport app, Shopify automatically sent the message to customers like as here....
Okay, I am sure it will work.Thank you so much for your kind help, Gary!I really appreciate it!
Hi Gary!Yes, I updated the structure and tested again.Now it works!! Thank you so much!!By the way, as you can see my code, I specified 1 line item id so it would fulfill only 1 item in that order. (there were 2 line items in that order).But currentl...
Hi Liam!Thank you for your help!Yes, here I changed the number to string.$data = array( 'fulfillment' => array( "location_id" => $rfill['assigned_location']['location_id'], "message"=>"The Jewllery Room fulfilled 1 item.", "no...
Hi Gary!Thank you for your help!Yes, here's the current code again.$data = array( 'fulfillment' => array( "location_id" => $rfill['assigned_location']['location_id'], "message"=>"The Jewllery Room fulfilled 1 item.", "notify_c...
Hi Gary!I updated the structure as follows and tested again.$data = array( 'fulfillment' => array( "location_id" => $rfill['assigned_location']['location_id'], "message"=>"The Jewllery Room fulfilled 1 item.", "notify_customer...
Hi Gary!Thanks for your reply.I updated the json and tried again but same error.Also, there was location_id originally.'fulfillment' => array( "location_id" => $rfill['assigned_location']['location_id'], "fulfillment_order_id" => $rfi...
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