Jan 6, 2021
Many of my clients are confused by the following validation error: - Mcc can't be blank - Mcc is not included in the list In case any new Shopify merchants are wondering what those refer to: - Mc...
Hi, Reading the documentation on accessibility as well as how Shopify embeds sections within their own [tag].shopify-section, I don't see a way to add accessibility to those sections unless it is be...
Hi, I would like to be able to define variable values depending on whether or not the theme is published or unpublished. For example: if theme is live isLive = true else &nb...
In the documentation for the Liquid object "Product", the example either has a little error or is misleading. Under the product.has_only_default_variant, the example suggests to use a variable ...
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The solution worked for me! Brilliant find! Thank you PaulNewton!!