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I forgot the actual value line in the last post. But nothing changed. So it does not work $('.input-group').on('click', '.button-minus', function(e) {
var fieldName = $('field');
var parent = $(e.targe...
Hi so I already tried multiple commands, but I did not reach a success... This is the best I have. Probably there is a jQuery mistake... $('.input-group').on('click', '.button-minus', function(e) {
var fieldName = $(e.tar...
Hi all,I own a Shopify store that uses a popup cart before checkout. I am using the following code on the popup cart, in order to enable customers to increase or decrease the quantity of items in the cart: <div class="input-group m-0">
<input type=...
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16163 | 09-18-2020 04:19 AM |