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‎04-06-2024 12:24 PM
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Bio: Hey there! I'm Shamsul Huda, a Shopify enthusiast and dedicated developer with a flair for crafting captivating online storefronts. Fuelled by my pass...

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@leannelam1pnl It seems you shared a JSON files code, instead of section.Please share the section schema code thus, we can understand your code and able to provide the solution for your query!
@hockeyman Search and Collection conditions are different things. It'll not affect the product search means, if you hide/exclude any products from the collection, it'll still show as search result.
@ryan133 The Merchant ID associated with your shop is not something that will be found in the admin. You should contact Shopify Support team to provide this for you. They will require some authentication from your side and will provide you with a Mer...
@brysonsmaple You might edited the default page or you selected the different page template.1. Make sure your default page template not edited2. You selected the default template, where you created the pageNote: If you not able to get those points, c...
@hockeyman You can hide those products by using collection rules. Using specific tags for those products, then apply the rules like this-  
@AN2024 You get it wrong. That post refer the cart page not drawer cart. So, you pasted code in wrong place.Solution-Paste below code on marked place!{% if item.original_price != item.product.compare_at_price %} <del>{{ item.product.compare_at_pri...
@FusionClimb_01 Try this one-.quantity-selector input.quantity__input{ pointer-events: none !important; }Make sure you properly put this code in the CSS file that used in product page.Like Dawn theme have a common CSS file, called- `base.css`------...
@FusionClimb_01Set the input value to 250 and min 250.Now, disable the cursor pointer for input field, using css.input.quantity__input{pointer-events: none;}
@MDMike Sharing the URL or which theme you're using right now for your store, would be helpful!However, go to your shopify  online store > themesThen select the theme for customization. From theme customization, scroll down to the footer section and ...
@collins276 Go to your theme code editor and look for the file called- "section-multicolumn.css"open the file and remove the lines of code- 67-70Then put the bellow code instead-.multicolumn.background-primary .multicolumn-card { background: transp...
@Dabou Go to theme editor and look for the file named- "footer.liquid"Search for the class called- "footer-block__newsletter" and put your button code where the div closed. 
I think your domain still there- I just visited or you can check this on incognito window by paste this url also- 805d8b-4.myshopify.comTo login your admin dashboard
Make the image width 100%If it's not help, share your store url and I'll try to find out the solution.
Will you share your store url pls?
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