Hey there-- The hyperlinks I created for a number of product pages that link to my store content in other collections and one in Pages are expiring--YIKES--- and displaying the attached message--see...
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No. I gave up after several days and hours of research and talking withtech at shopify, venmo and PayPal. No one could answer the question. Butthat was two years ago. Maybe things have changed. PayPal owns Venmo so Isuggest you talk with PayPal tech....
Don't give up on Shopify.This is a Venmo/PayPal issue. Shopify has made it possible for the app toexist on its (Shopify) platform. But there is some glitch that I was notwilling to go any further to find out about. If you want to try - talk withPayPa...
Hey there -It's been a while since I attempted to locate the navigation for mycustomers to use Venmo on my shopify site. I took a deep dive intoresearching it and found through human tech support at Venmo and Paypalthat nobody knew how to get the Ven...
Hey there--That's kind of you to send this info. And I do hope it helps others if theyneed it.For me I worked with PayPal and Venmo for hours and when I realized thatneither Venmo reps nor parent company PayPal had a clue how to make Venmofunction as...
Thank you for the suggestion and I will look at the app. But it is myunderstanding that when I add apps to my site I will no longer receive theauto updates from Shopify that are vital for the best ops of the site.Is this still the case?Sami - keatsey...
Sorry but there is no help to give on this issue.I spoke at length (al told several hours) to Shopify, Venmo and PayPal (whoowns Venmo) tech support back in August and no one could figure it out.They are no doubt working on it. But in America Shopify...
Hi there--What I found out from multiple Venmo and Shopify experts is that Venmo hasno human customer service so there is no way to get the question answeredsince it is so specific.I just dropped it and went forward with what I was doing at the time ...
Nope.And no one at Venmo or PayPal knows how to activate it.Sami
My shop is located in Easthampton, MA, USA. I've been on Shopify for 8years so yes--of course, PayPal is enabled as is express checkout option.I spent an hour with Shopify tech Sunday 8/7 and they determined Ineeded to "activate online purchases" in ...
Thanks Ollie--I appreciate your help. I have reached out to Venmo and am waiting to hearback.When I learn how to activate their online purchase service I will post iton the Shopify community board and the FB page you run. Such good resourcesfor us Sh...
My shop is located in Easthampton, MA, USA. I've been on Shopify for 8years so yes--of course, PayPal is enabled as is express checkout option.I spent an hour with Shopify tech yesterday and while they determined Ineeded to "activate online purchases...
Where is the option to use Venmo on shopify? I see the logo for Venmo at the bottom of the page but not when I do a test buy. When I get to checkout there is no option for Venmo. Thanks for your help.Sami
Is there a way to export a CSV file with complete inventory data including dollar amounts for each item in a single store? I've looked all over the Shopify Help section and I don't see a way to do this. Thanks for your help.
Hi Eunice,Thanks for your feedback and encouragement.We have successfully created a business email account with Zoho. And I have to say when I was stumped at what to do next in the process of integrating my Shopify store to Zoho mail I got excellent ...
Question: how to create an email address ex: sami@detourbooks.com that connects to my business URL Detourbooks.com. Is it possible to use a third party email platform such as Outlook? 
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