Oct 22, 2020
Many of our customers key in the wrong email. We get around 100 orders a day and at least 2/3 are wrong. Surprising but true. We are a services business so a customer entering an incorre...
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I agree, the solution is not a solution at all.Also - you need to be able to limit by quantity which is impossible.If I have a voucher which allows someone to book any product regardless ofprice, I can't have a voucher which works.
This is most definitely not solved, it’s not an acceptable response, you need to add max quantity and max dollars to your discount codes. Surely basic and standard woocommerce functionality. You should not palm this off on apps, it should be part of ...
No we have not but Shopify keeps marking it as closed, even though its farfrom closed, and they keep telling us how hard it is to do, even though itmakes no sense and it can't be hard to do at all. Standard functionalityin Woocommerce and they alread...
Sorry it’s not a maximum dollar amountIt’s a maximum quantitySay I wish to reward a customer with a free item.I send the customer a discount code to add this free item to their cartThe customer can then order precisely as many of this free item as th...
Just adding to thisWe need to be able to limit the quantity of vouchersWe can set a minimum quantity purcahsed but not a maximumSo if we want to offer a voucher to someone to order something for free, it's impossible to limit the quantity that they c...