Hi - I'm wondering if there is a way to make the social icons in the footer bigger? Also has anyone had trouble with the contact us page being out of alignment? Thank you
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Thank you this worked but then I lose the top border of several of my buttons on the mobile version. See below:
Hi I have used various code in the Dawn theme to ensure all buttons are the same (outline black only), but now I have some buttons that are a thicker border than others. I would like them all to be a thinner border. This is my website:https://www.zuk...
I am having trouble with my buttons on my website, only on the mobile version. The top line/border has been cut off a few of the buttons. I have added the following code to ensure all of my buttons are the same (outline only). https://www.zukabeauty....
Hi just checking on the above, were you able to suggest a code to fix it? Thanks so much www.zukabeauty.com.au 
Oh sorry! It's: https://www.zukabeauty.com.au/  
I am having trouble with my buttons on my website, only on the mobile version. The top line/border has been cut off a few of the buttons. I have added the following code to ensure all of my buttons are the same (outline only). .button{color: #4C4C4D;...
 It's this button and also a few others. Thank you!
Thank you sorry I think this has fixed some of the buttons but still having issues with others on the home page. Only on the mobile version. The top line seems to be missing still https://www.zukabeauty.com.au/  
Thanks so much that worked for the hover colour but I am missing the top border of lots of my buttons on the mobile version. Any ideas on this one? Thank you!
Hi I have added some code to my buttons to ensure they are all outlined buttons (to keep them the same across the entire site) and then further code for a different hover colour. The hover colour isn't working on the image with text sections (x3) and...
Hello - I'm wondering if there is code to use to change the hover background colour and text for all of my buttons on my website? I'm using the dawn theme. It currently doesn't have a hover effect. https://v7weddlb5nzkxxvw-7787118645.shopifypreview.c...
Thank you so much. I'm wondering if there is a way to add a hover background colour and text for all buttons now? Thank you
Thank you so much this worked. It also seems to be cutting off the heading on each page. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you
Hi I added code to create a sticky header on my website, but it constantly seems to be cutting off things like headings and search bars etc. Is there another code I can use instead to ensure this doesn't happen anymore? This is the debut theme Here i...
Hi I have used some code to ensure all of my buttons are all an outlined style in the Dawn theme. However there are two buttons (image with text sections) that still have a solid background. Is there code I can use to ensure the backgrounds are trans...
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