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Hello @thetoolman,Our Swift app surely can help you to improve your site speed along with free analysis and suggestions.Please let us know if you are still looking for a resolution. 
Hello Saurabh,To increase your store speed, you have to pay attention to some factors as below:1. The apps you are using: whenever you add an app to your store, that app will add its code to your theme to run its function. There are some codes can be...
Hi Luis,I tried to visit your store and find it loads slowly at the beginning. I think there is something wrong with this It blocks other contents to download a...
Hi JackAfter checking your store, we have a few suggestions for you to optimize:Lazyload Image: Google show that you have a big problem with lazyload, many images do not loads properly. Try using the loading attribute, loading="lazy", for your images...
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