Hello I was wondering if someone might be able o help me. I have a featured collection on my home page and I would like to display 2 products wide per line so the images are nice and large. I edited ...
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Thank you again for your help, I implemented the change but unfortunately it did not change anything. 
Thank you for taking the time to respond @Made4uo-Ribe I tried adding the code to the Base.css file as that was the only one available, unfortunately nothing happened when I saved it.  These are the css options I have:  
Also Is there any way of doing this on mobile too? 
Hello can someone please advise how I can make the add price, add to cart and quantity selector appear on the same line on desktop, they are currently split onto separate lines. Thank you 
Hello, I tried adding this at the bottom of my base.css file but it didn't do anything? Am I putting it in the wrong place?   
This worked for me too, thank you!
Did you ever find a solution for this? I'm experiencing the same issue!
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This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
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