Nov 9, 2020
Hi, not sure if im doing anything wrong, but to me it seems that its a major headache to work with product options and variants. This problem increases exponentially when working with m...
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Did you find a solution for this? I have the same problem with email confirmations.Im pretty sure it worked with value.url before.
Yes, EU.
Any update on this? It's a joke this is not working. And im wondering why there aren't more users talking about this?I assume lot of store owners running google ads, how do you run your ads if the conversions/purchases do not work properly? The googl...
We already did, support even tested it and had the same issue. Let's see what they come up with.
Hi, we switched to the one page checkout this week, and some of our customers have a problem with adding or editting shipping addresses. Sometimes they can't be added, sometimes they can't be edited, its completely random. One thing thats a commom pr...
Can you get into a little more detail? Ive done some research and as far as i can see, the only way to do this properly is with shopify plus. The other way, that is more a workaround and the way all of the available apps do it is by adding/generatin...
Is it possible to create customizable products based on measurements? We need to sell products that varies in price based on height and width.There is probably no build in function, but is there at least in theory an option to add products to the bas...
As mentioned all the previous solutions are not working correctly anymore. And comparing SKUs doesn't work either when you have the same item with different variants multiple times in a row. My workaround is this, keep in mind this will not work if y...
Hi, how can i check the shipping zones in invoices/notifications? I need to change the order confirmation if the parcel will be shipped to an EU country. Kind regardsMichael
Hi, i need to loop over more than 20 products on my product page. I have access to the PRODUCT HANDLE and VARIANT ID of each product. I dont have access to the PRODUCT ID. Keep in mind even a product without variants, has a VARIANT ID. The problem is...
Hi, i have a page with multiple sections. Id like to add a sub navigation so each section can be easily navigated to.But i have no idea how to loop included sections inside a template file. Is it even possible? Kind regardsMichael
Hi,danke für den Hinweis mit der "Bestellung bearbeitet" Mail, dann weiss ich schonmal wofür diese ist.Was die separate Auftragsbestätigung angeht, geht es mir um folgenden Sachverhalt.Die automatische Bestellbestätigung ist ja eigentlich kein binden...
Hi,ist es möglich eine separate Auftragsbestätigung neben der Bestellbestätigung zu versenden? Quasi eine Mail die kommt, sobald man die Bestellung bearbeitet hat.Es gibt ja sogar eine E-Mail Vorlage "Bestellung bearbeitet", allerdings sehe ich keine...