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Happy New Year! Thank you for your reply. The only file I can find is called currency-picker, but upon pasting the code it doesn't work. I'm using the shopify Geolocation app, if that matters. Thank you!
Hello, I can't find country-localization.liquid in my code. I have two shops and it worked perfectly with the other one, so I know it works! Thank you for that. I am trying to get rid of the country codes in this store and keep the currency:maotajp.c...
Hello,I just noticed, that some products in my shop show up as unavailable, when I change the language setting to English. The shop itself is in Japanese. In Japanese the products are available to purchase. have t...
Wow thank you for your fast reply! It worked out perfectly.
Hello,I would like to remove the Pre Order Button from my Products Pages completely. I would like to still show my website, but without the button. It...
Thank you. I am new to the Shopify Community, so apologies about not knowing. How can I change or add the code? Is it possible for you to send it to me? 
Sorry for my late reply, as I am in Japan Time Zone.Thank you for helping me out. Please find attached the zip file of the current theme.I really appreciate it!
Thank you for your reply. I can see that the theme.liquid has older versions of the current code and even if I go back to an older version, it still appears on the announcement bar.I did add and adjust the code only a couple of days ago, so if I go b...
Hello,Since today I noticed the Announcement Bar at the top of my homepage  on the left corner has coding symbols (I am not familiar with coding, so not sure about the exact words). "> ">I looked at my coding and tried to locate...
Hi Natztech,Thank you so much! It worked out perfectly. I was trying for weeks now.Really appreciate it.Cheers!
Hello,I apologize in advance, if this question has been asked before.I looked for it and asked the team from BROADCAST but I guess they don't help out with individual code changes. I would like to add a dropdown background color on the mobile version...
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