I have my site running for a few months now and have spent some money on both Facebook and google ads (mainly google). With around 3000 store sessions I am yet to get a single purchase however. I al...
I have had me store: www.ecowatches.co.uk live for a few months now and according to Shopify I have had 3000 store sessions but I am yet to get my first sale. I also have an instagram set up&nb...
On mobile, there appears to be a white gap in-between my two images for my collection list. I have done some code editing to make them one on top of each other on mobile. The gap does not appear on...
I have changed my delivery to be able to deliver to other countries and am wondering if my store is automatically translated in other countries or if i need to set something up for that to happen. T...
I have recently launched my own shopify store and have a query regarding reviews. Reviews are obviously an important part of a site but as a new sight i haven't sold any units yet and so have no revi...
I am wondering if it is possible to add a full width banner to the top of the collection page. I would like to add a different one for each collection. I have tried adding an image in each collectio...
I have had my store up and running for some time now but have yet to get a single sale. I am running an instagram page for it which has around 350 followers so far and have spent about £45 on ads fr...
I am wondering if it is possible to have a different image for just mobile on the Brooklyn theme. It is not really possible for me to use a hero image with a subtitle that works on both desktop and ...
The hero subtitle i have for my hero slider looks good on desktop but not good on mobile. I am wondering how i can change the subtitle txt for mobile only. Thanks in advance
Hi. For somer reason on certain sections of my brooklyn homepage o have no margin on the left but i have a margin on the right as seen here: On the rest of the page the left marg...
When editing my code in my brooklyn theme i am receiving this message and wondering how i go about implementing that change if i need to.  
I am wondering if it is possible to remove the heading from the collection list section on brooklyn: Thanks for any help in advance
Hi. On my website i have judt noticed that the left margin is actually slightly smaller than the right margin: Its giving my some other problems so is there a way to even them out? &nbs...
Hey. I have created my Shopify store using the Brooklyn theme. I only have the apps below installed and have optimised all of my product and home page images but im still getting a really low Shopify...
Im currently using the Brooklyn theme and on the product page the images are very large to the point they are going off the screen. It looks fine on mobile as it is payed out differently but is it p...
There seems to be some white space above my featured collections section on my Brooklyn homepage. I have tried this code but it didn't work for some reason: #shopify-section-fea...
 I have changed this code in order to make my collection images fulls screen:   For some reason however the images are slightly different sizes. The point at which they meet is not ...
I have added this code to create a rich text section on my Brooklyn homepage:  Unfortunately on a mobile screen it is far too large:   Is it possible to change the ...
I am wondering if it is possible to change the heading colour for just the rich text section. It is currently black and I would like it to be white. Thankyou in advance.
I am wondering if it is possible to change my homepage layout so that on mobile it displays the collection list in one column instead of two. I am using the Brooklyn theme. It currently looks like ...
I am looking to remove the gaps above and below a custom html image. this is what it currently looks like: I would like it to look like this if possible: Thank you ...
I am using the Brooklyn theme and on the homepage I have an image with text section. I am wondering if it is possible to increase the gap between the image and the text If possible. Thank you in ad...
I would like to be able to remove just one section header on my homepage. The one in this picture: thank you in advance
Currently my collection list is two collections next to each other on mobile but this makes the images very small. If possible I would like to to have them in one column ( one on top of each other)....
The text on top of my collection list is ok for desktop but on mobile is covers the whole image. is it possible to change the text size on the image for mobile only. thank you in advance
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Hey, it's petbud.uk @niraj_patel 
Hey, it's petbud.uk @thirtycoders 
Currently the title is off to the left and I can't seem to get it central - thanks in advance:  
I would like the button on the image with text section to be central rather than to the left as you can see in this image:  
petbud.uk and the password is tropic @oscprofessional 
The text in the image and text section is currently narrower than than the image as seen in the attached image. I'd like the text to be as wide as the image. Thanks  
I can't seem to see a way to change the colour of the buy it now button on the product page in the Sense theme. I would also like to change the border colour of the add to cart button as well. Thanks
I'm trying to reduce the width and round the corners of the featured product section on the sense theme. I want it to match what the image with text section looks like (image attached). Currently the section is full width with no rounded corners.
I want to have my logo be one colour on the home page and a different colour on all other pages. I am using the origin them - many thanks in advance.
My store has lots of visits from long links that end in  .shopifypreview.com What exactly are these?thanks in advance The actual links lead to my homepage. Im wondering what they are exactly?thanks in advance
thankyou so much for the help. That has worked perfectly 
www.ecowatches.co.ukthank you
I have added you to a staff account.Thanks for the help 
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