Apr 28, 2021
Hi, I've been trying to import 7 years worth of order and line item data for a specific account using bulk operations. I've tried repeatedly, but I keep on getting an internal server error. The bulk...
Jan 10, 2021
Hi Guys, I'm using shopify-api-node. I want to know the requestQueryCost and actualQueryCost. According to shopify-api-node, If I use shopify.callGraphqlLimits I get something akin to th...
Hi, Do Refund Line Items have a admin_graphql_api_id I noticed that when we receive an orders update webhook, it looks like the following: refund_line_items: [ { id: 249217188337...
Hi, There seems to be a few issues with the typescript definitions in shopify-api-node. For reference, I'm looking at the graphql docs. I'll outline a few that exist for IOrder. 1. billing...
Dec 26, 2020
Hi, I'm using shopify-api-node. Question 1: I noticed that a lot of the definitions (Example: IOrder, IOrderLineItem etc.) don't include the field 'admin_graphql_api_id'. Would it be possibl...
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Hi there,I am facing the following situation: Bulk operation is complete, but URL is missing. According to the documentation, when an operation is complete, there should be a URL. Can you address please?I appreciate your time
We're getting the same alert.I suspect its because we're using shopify-api-node library.shopify-api-node --> index.ts```type AllocationMethod = 'across' | 'each' | 'one';```That lib needs to make the update on their end
Edit: The line_items admin_graphql_api_id is not missing on all order update webhooks.It is present when- order update webhook is associated with order create- order update webhook is associated with order paid It is absent when- order update webhook...
Hi,This question has been asked before, but no reply.I noticed that orderUpdate webhook only contains admin_graphql_api_id under line_items if the update webhook correlates with an order create. When an order is paid for, line item was added, etc., t...
I have the same problem. I noticed that it is missing.Will it be added?
Yeah you're right, thanks!
Hi,I am trying to make a graphql request to shopify's admin api. I am using the official shopify-api-node library.My query is as follows const response = await shopify.graphql(`
order(id:"<some order id>") {
HI,In my code, I am listening to the orders/updated webhook. According to your docs (https://shopify.dev/docs/admin-api/graphql/reference/orders/order), an order has the field currentCartDiscountAmountSet. This is the "amount of order-level discount ...
Hi,I am trying to make a graphql request to shopify's admin api. I am using the official shopify-api-node library.My query is as follows const response = await shopify.graphql(`
order(id:"<some order id>") {