I'm new to Shopfiy..... I have a client who has two businesses and would like her site from the main page split into the two - one business would have a a calendar and the ability to book dates and ...
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@OscprofessionalLink is valid for 2 days... https://ye1plxzy0dop1b7g-60725067964.shopifypreview.comPW: beth2022
@Oscprofessional https://ez9ouek62z5yjfpo-60725067964.shopifypreview.com PW: beth2022
Can I get help with how to do this? Dawn themeOn the blog page I's like to: - Center the header "Blog" and make it a specific color- Make each blog title a specific color- add something like "previous post"  "next post" at the bottom of each post- ad...
https://ez9ouek62z5yjfpo-60725067964.shopifypreview.comPW: beth2022
Can I get help with how to do this? Dawn themeOn the blog page I's like to: - Center the header "Blog" and make it a specific color- Make each blog title a specific color- make the links in each post a specific color- add something like "previous pos...
@Sajeel ok thanks that worked but my other issue is I have type in my image banner on my home page that I want to keep white and not change to that color in the code. see below.  
@MS_WEB_DESIGNER  https://6v57u02n52k1lqqn-60725067964.shopifypreview.com Dawn theme
@Joeri1  I don't see blog-template.liquid listed...
@Sajeel  It's not working see screenshot below...  
How can I change the color of the word Blog and the title of each blog post?And how can I center the word Blog? See below.  
How do I change the color of the search icon, shopping bag and the navigation link when you're on the particular page? See below.  
@Sajeel  Where do I find the theme.css?This is new to me.
how do I change the color of the font headings?  
@diego_ezfy  https://uvsgu4hehvvib4jw-60725067964.shopifypreview.com
How do I change the color of  a multicolumn container. Its appearing gray.and can I change the color of the leaf icons for the drop down sections...See screenshot  
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