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I've noticed that with certain scripts added to Customer Events - Custom Pixels (in my case an Amazon AWS script), the execution will fail and I will see this error in the console: "In a sandboxed environment, addEventListener may not behave as expec...
This is not after app uninstall. This is at any point on multiple stores, even immediately after a fresh install. I just installed a cart transform function on a store this week, and then ran this query which returned an empty array. query {cartTrans...
Double bump.There is an accepted solution to this thread, but I still have the problem and apparently so do others. Can we un-accept and get someone to look into it? @Shopify 
The automatic discounts made with the Product Discounts API target line items by variant ID. If I have two items in the cart with the same variant ID (one subscription item and one onetime item), I don't want the discount to apply to the subscription...
Bumping this thread.@Nick_Wesselman I am also seeing the same problem as @basilkhan where the same cartTransform query returns an empty array. In my case the cart transform function is actually installed and working in the store, but the query still ...
Problem solved. We are currently still using checkout.liquid and the automatic shipping discounts don't work with checkout.liquid.
I am trying to create an automatic shipping discount based on the Shopify instructions here. It says "In the Method section, select Automatic Discount". However, I don't have the option to choose method when creating shipping discounts. My agency man...
I also need to get the currency rate with liquid. @Shopify please respond.
Was this ever solved? I'm also having the same issue. The custom bundle title and image as specified in the Shopify Function appears in checkout but not in cart. The cart only shows the parent bundle product's default title and image. Based on @ioio ...
Bump +1. @Shopify  This is also an issue for us. We need to be able to apply different discount amounts on different line items. This should be based on the line item, not the variant ID. We need the same capabilities that the Script Editor currently...
This is also an issue for us. We need to be able to apply different discount amounts on different line items. This should be based on the line item, not the variant ID. We need the same capabilities that the Script Editor currently has.
I have a few very simple scripts in the script editor that need to be converted into Shopify Functions. I need to be able to do two things with Shopify Functions: 1. Discount the prices of line items in the cart on an item by item basis. For example,...
For anyone else getting this error, it is worth double checking your app permissions even if you specified them during install. In my case I installed GraphiQL with every access scope selected and I was still getting the "Access denied for cartTransf...
I am following the tutorial here for creating discounts with Shopify Functions. I have successfully created the discount and deployed it to my dev store with the Gra...
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