Hi everyone, Our website seems to reload twice and we can't figure out why! It only seems to happen on the first visit, but we can't see if any of our apps are causing the issue or there is ...
Hi everyone, Looking for a bit of advice here as my store seems to reload twice upon the first visit. When visiting the site, the page loads correctly, then a few seconds later it loads agai...
Hi everyone, I'm looking for someone who can setup a script or app that automatically creates a custom discount code when a new customer is created using a certain tag. For ex...
Hi everyone, I've recently setup a nice listing on eBay for my shopify products. I did this naively on the eBay platform so that I could setup a proper custom listing template with a nice de...
Hi everyone, Hoping to get some feedback on a new store we've just launched. The brand sells premium field hockey sticks with a range of models and sizes to suit all players. There is a big field ho...
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@maza is there still no movement on this from the Shopify team? I'm surprised that Shopify haven't recognised this as a real issue for sellers that operate in multiple countries. Right now I am in the same boat as everyone else here, operating multip...
Emailed multiple times over a few weeks. Not a single response.
Our first IOSS experience:Charged the customer VAT at checkoutAttached our IOSS number to the order with UPSFailed to upload the order to crossborderit due to their template not being correct & support not answeringCustomer charged 51 euro fee by UPS...
Had the exact same problem as above. Sample template doesn't even work and the support team don't reply to any emails. Funny how they're so active on this forum, yet don't actually help anyone who signs up...
In exactly the same position. Have received the IOSS code but no instructions from crossborderit, despite numerous emails....
@Dbaca Have emailed you guys already but not heard back yet. Can't sign up on your system since it asks for our VAT number. We are currently under the VAT threshold in the UK...yet UPS has made IOSS mandatory so we need the number in order to ship to...
Just seen this morning that UPS are now requiring an IOSS number for european shipments, unless the value is over 150 euro or the shipment isn't going to an end consumer. So much for IOSS registration being optional.....
Unfortunately there is no line of code matching that description that we can see....still unresolved
Hi everyone, Looking for a bit of technical help on my store as when you first visit the site, it loads and then a few seconds later refreshes everything again.  This issue has been happening for a few weeks now, but disabling apps has not fixed it s...
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