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Hi,You can try use Ourmall to find what you want in the “Products market”, also you can creat a product quotate here to get your products.
Then I highly recommend u try Ourmall, It support multi-supplier& multi-store management. u can invite suppliers to join in, then allocate different orders to different suppliers for auto fulfilled. Each can do dropshipping for u independently.More u...
Hi If u wanna find reliable vendors, another choice for u - Ourmall. u can do products sourcing in the "Products market",and can cooperate with profassional vendors.
Are u doing shopify dropshipping?Try Ourmall to help u. Add ur vendors on Ourmall,after they joined, entrust orders to them for auto fulfillment. Your orders will be processed by your vendors. More time-saving!
HiI think maybe I can give u another suggestion. If u are doing dropshipping ,u can try Ourmall to import products ,sourcing from reliable vendors.Also can get all the fuctions, such as orders autofulfilled, competitive quotations, sync shiping track...
Hi KholoudHassan,I think Ourmall is the best choice for u. It's connected to ur shopify store, u can entrust orders to your vendors for auto-fulfilled. In additon, it support multi-suppliers management.etc More features.It's very clear to see how man...
Hi TheShoeGal Share my favorite app with u - Ourmall, there u can find any products that u need sourcing from realiable vendors,all with high quality. even can get competitive quotation. It also support orders autofulfilled, sync shipping tracking, ...
Hi Gingerly:Maybe you can try Ourmall, which can support multi-stores & multi-suppliers management in one account. The problems that you face won't happen.It also has the fuctions of Oberlo. Like autofulfill orders, sync shipment tracking.product sou...
I think you need to use different apps to help manage your business. I recommend that if you're doing shopify dropshipping ,you can try Ourmall, which can help orders autofulfillment, multi-supplier management, sync ship tracking, product sourcing,et...
Hi cristase:Are you doing shopify dropshipping? If yes, you can try Ourmall. No more CSV files. Everything is synced with your store.etc.Just check it to find whether it can help or not.