I'm using sectioned pages to create this page → (password = pearler) however I'm having trouble applying CSS to particular sections. I'd love to add some borders to this section: So&...
I'm using the Shopify Buy Button on Squarespace. I'm not having much luck changing the font within Squarespace. Does anyone know how to control the font and other CSS elements of these? https:...
Hoping to get the background of this popup to be an image! https://michelleforbadgirls.com/ Password: Pearler My code: div#NewsletterPopup-newsletter-popup .modal__inner { background-imag...
I'm trying to add some buttons to the collection header, but I've hit a wall! Any help would be greatly appreciated. I just can't seem to get them centred. My code ↓ <span class="nav-gif-w...
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Thanks, @BSSCommerce-B2B I've tried this but unfortunately it doesn't look different? Please check if you can 
Thanks, @EBOOST - I've tried this but unfortunately it doesn't look different? Please check if you can 
URL: https://mount-zero-click-collect-market.myshopify.com/products/citrus-trio-100ml-lemon-lime-mandarin Password: Manzanilla22  I'd love some help to figure out why these thumbnail images are so blurry. Thanks! 
Thanks, @binal_identix - shouldn't I be adding schema, not HTML?I'm just wanting to add the little 'dynamic source' button in the top right like all the other fields have:  
I'm using Dawn Theme. I'm needing my Custom Liquid section to have an option to select a dynamic source. Is there a line of code I can add to the section file? Thanks! For context, we have shortcodes added to a metafield for each product that will lo...
It's just the cart page. See attached: 
URL: https://bit.ly/3QRgif9Theme: Dawn Two client websites are having the same issue where the background of their transparent product image and the buttons on the cart page are turning to a random, bright yellow? This variable seems to be the cause:...
Thanks for completing this work. It functions perfectly now!
Thank you. I had already changed the logo image, it's just the link location I'd like to change the destination of. So I'd like it to go to a different URL than the homepage!
Thank you. This is the rule that would be best to apply if that helps?  {% if page.handle contains 'second-skin' or collection.handle contains 'second-skin' or template.name == 'secondskin' %}
We've got a different logo and branding to show on certain pages. See below link: https://www.findmenowthelabel.com/  Any ideas how we may be able to make it so that the logo on certain page templates goes to a different URL? Page: https://www.findme...
Sure, see here @BSS-Commerce https://manifest-a-pearler.myshopify.com/pages/testPassword = pearler
Apologies - 'pearler' @PageFly-Victor @Muhammad_Ali_S 
Apologies - 'pearler'
I've made a lot of edits to Dawn Theme and I'm noticing that when I add a product to the collage section, there's a colour overlay appearing over the top of the image so it's not visible. I'm struggling to identify the cause. Any help is appreciated!...
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