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I don't see how this is fair. I've been your customer for years, I selected a theme some time ago, with the tacid promise to receive support on that theme, and now that I need help, you are telling me to hire/pay someone to be helped?!?!? Not even co...
So, following up the original question about Debut. I'd have Debut theme forever, I like it, and I'm not planning in changing my theme site any time soon, I spent sooo much time customizing it! However, trying to make a Landing Page I saw some video...
Thanks a lot for your response. I will cantact the App team.
Hi Litsch, I'm having the same problem you had; and I saw you solved it.How did you do it? I cannot find the EXPO piece of code that would allow me to change the place of the new variants.Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you!
Hi there,I am in the same boat. I have already a Business Facebook account, and when instaling the new Facebook App in my Shopify store, I don't know what does "Replace Commerce Account" means. What about all my likes, and my followers? Any input the...