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‎11-06-2024 03:02 AM
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Bio: I am Software Frontend Engineer focused on Design system with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript using modern libraries/frameworks like React. I am individual...

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Hi PTherapy  You need to have some kind of coding experience to do so. To Create a New Menu and placed in website. 1. Online store > Navigation2. create new menu and navigation (Home, about etc...)3. In right side - Handle, copy the name of menu4. Re...
so weird, To only remove the text, you can use Jquery code <script> $("#cart-icon-bubble").contents().each(function() { if (this.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) this.remove(); }); </script> 
It should be outside of media screen incorrect  @media screen and (min-width: 990px) { .product--large:not(.product--no-media) .product__info-wrapper, .product--large:not(.product--no-media) .product__media-wrapper { max-width: calc(50% - var(--grid...
Hi Simon,  Can you paste the code at the bottom of section-main-product.css after    .product .price .badge { background-color: #000; color: #fff; } 
Hi Simon, Because you only writing the style for desktop screen. Use this code- you can add this code in any style file. .product .price .badge { background-color: #000; color: #fff; }  or add this style on section-main-product.css file in as...
If this solve your problem then can you please mark it as solved. Thank you
Hi Tim,Add this style .site-nav__link svg path { color: #fff; } 
It is font-weight not font-style. please see the code <style> .js .site-nav.mega-menu a { letter-spacing: 7px; font-weight:bold !important; } </style> 
Hi Search with class name may be the line number are not accurate on that file. .hero__text-content.certical-bottom and edit them.
Yes slick slider have autoplay properties. In above code urls, if you just add - autoplay:true, autoplaySpeed:1500 (you can customize the speed as your wish) 
Reference this code - desktop version it shows the boxes and in mobile view it become slider. Hope this is helpful.
okay try this<style> .js .site-nav.mega-menu a { letter-spacing: 7px; } </style>
Hi,do want it right like a screenshot or you mean left below the text. Any way please see the code below In theme.css - update code in line number - 9560 and 12401. if you want it left then simple type left instead of right in below code and to match...
Yes, May be you can. try this.js .gm-menu-installed > .gm-target > .gm-text { font-family: 'PT Sans' !important; }
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