Feb 8, 2021
Hey everyone, I noticed that all my policy texts show no link text color and therefore link texts are not highlighted at all. The text links look like regular text. You can still click them but its ...
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I am looking for a solution for the exact same issue
Hello Gegè, I am having the same issue but the solution provided by shopify support is not working at all. I am looking for your solution how you solved this inside the code. Do oyu have a code snippet for me and can tell me where to add it? thanks!!
Hey @frankymartin I will try this code snippet in my theme.liquid. did you already find out if its working properly? I mean this one:{% if handle contains 'seq=uniform' %}<meta name="robots" content="noindex">{% endif %}
Hi Storum. I am trying to do the exact same thing for my shop https://mr-handsome.com that also runs on the focal theme. how did you solve this issue? I tried the line of code that M-Usman provided but its not working for me yet. any help is highly a...
Hello,I am looking for a way to add the total product measurement (in ml) to my collection page. It should be shown next to the product name in a smaller font. Since now I have only managed to show the product weight (in kg).Example of how it should ...
Danke für den Screenshot, der rechts leider ein wenig abgeschnitten ist. Kann ich die betreffenden Code Zeilen vlt für mein theme haben? Das wäre sehr nett.
Danke für den Hinweis. Dann erscheint es aber leider auch hinter den Mengenpreisen (pro 100 ml), was eher unschön ist. Verkaufe Männerpflegeartikel.
Hallo,ich nutze das Pipeline Theme und leider wird auf den Produktseiten die MwSt-Info nicht angezeigt.Ich habe bereits den Haken im Bereich Einstellungen-Steuern gesetzt, dass alle Produkte inkl. Steuern angezeigt werden sollen und auch die Haken be...