Hi there, in my Shopify store I normally allow for the standard payment methods like PayPal or credit card for all products which works fine. Now I want to add an offer for just one specifi...
Hi guys, I'm looking for an analysis tool that allows me to merge the data from shopify orders Facebook Ads Google Ads (optional: Google Analytics) (optional: Amazon FBA) My goal is to get b...
Hi there, at the end of a landingpage I want to give the customer the option to buy the product directly without having to add it to the cart first. There will be three different product boxes for t...
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Hm, too bad. I was hoping not to need another app (additional code and possible problems with other apps) but rather just some code. Thank you, I'll try it out.
Thank you! I only have very limited experience with JS/jQuery and have to play around with it to see if it works.Actually, do you see any possibility to add the note_attribution to the order AFTER the sale? On the thank you page for example?
Thanks for the reply. "Note attribution" does indeed seem to be s.th. different from a "note" in Shopify. I have to say it's very well documented and the only possibility I found was to ask here.
Hi there,some of my customers have a VAT ID in a metafield with the key "vatNumber" that has a value like "DE123456789". In order for my invoice app to read this VAT ID, I need to add it to an oder as a note attribution like  name: vat-id  value: DE1...
Hallo Klondev,weißt Du, ob es nun mit diesen "stapelbaren Rabatten" eine native Lösung von Shopify gibt? So wie ich die Neuerung bei den Rabattcodes von 2022 verstehe, sind noch immer keine Mengenrabatte möglich oder?Wir verwenden seit gut 2 Jahren ü...
Sorry for the late reply. It seems that my notifications were turned of.How would I implement that into a liquid code? In this case it's about the checkout area in the settings which will let me add code to the thank you page where I want to delay a ...
Hi guys,is there any way to add a delay or sleep function (e.g. wait for 5 seconds before calling a script) in liquid? E.g. {% sleep(5000) %}?Thanks,Patrick
Has there been any change in Shopify?Since Monday or Tuesday my notes (&note=XYZ) aren't attached to the orders anymore. I'm using a link like this:https://SHOPNAME.myshopify.com/cart/VARIANTID:1?channel=buy_button&note=googleThe note (in this case "...
Does this whole process really only work with variants?What if my product doesn't have variants? How do I preload my cart with a product ID (instead of variant ID) instead?
Thank you Jon_Schwartz. Though I don't want to install a whole app just for one parameter in the URL. I try to be as minimalist as possible with new apps as some of them tend to have some issues with other apps/themes/code and/or might slow down the ...
Awesome, this information is really useful.There is only one thing missing that I haven't been able to figure out:Besides notes, referrals etc. is there any way to add a tag to the permalink as well?Like http://your-store.myshopify.com/cart/70881412:...
Hi guys,for selling our products on (external) landing pages we're using a link for the buy button channel like this:   https://SHOPNAME.myshopify.com/cart/PRODUCTID:QUANTITY?channel=buy_button&discount=CODE  We can easily change the quantity and a d...
Any suggestions?
Hi there,I want to have a few different 404 pages, depending on where the customer went wrong and identify the cases via the URL.Let's say someone accesses a page myurl.com/234234234234324/orders/ I want to catch this case in an if statement{% if han...
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