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Hey, perhaps if no one knows the answer to getting the collections, does anyone know why my debug isn't working?... Or what the schema is for the Order Printer template objects? If I can find out what props are available to me, I can take it from the...
Hi All, I'm trying to display the product's collections on a custom Order Printer template. But I get nothing or errors.  {% for line_item in line_items %} <!-- 1. debug --> {{line_item.product | json}} <!-- 2. debug --> {{line_item.product.col...
Hiya, I had the same issue and I'm not 100% sure but I think your development app isn't approved to access customer data like another other app unless you request access to it and have good reason to access it. This can be done in the app settings in...
Thanks, yeah I will be using the GraphQL client library used with Shopify App Js once I solve this problem. But they exhibit the same issue as what i'm having and i wanted to isolate the problem to the actual API rather than the possibility of it bei...
Hi All,when I run the following query in the GraphQL app in my store it works great - { orders(first: 10, query: "tag:'Ship'") { nodes { id tags } } }However, when I run it from my backend nodejs service it doesn't work and re...
I think i may have found my issue (but not found a solution yet). As suggested by @garyrgilbert, the problem appears not to be with the query (which works fine and is actually a good example of filtering orders by tag). The problem appears to be some...
Thanks, Hmm yeah i just tried my query on the graphql app in my store and it worked! So don't know what the hell is going on with the node graphql client i'm using but it isn't behaving the same as the graphql app. Just for some background. The query...
I'm trying to retrieve all orders with a particular Tag. But it returns 0 results -const ORDERS_QUERY = ` query { orders(first:100, query:"tag:Ship") { edges { node { id name tags } } } } `; export ...
I've been having the same problem with the QRCode sample app and just got it working. I don't have any explanation other than maybe there is a caching issue. But first i renamed an existing endpoint (might not be necessary) and restarted the app and ...
Issues are now resolved
Apparently shopcircle support are aware and are trying to fix it. Hope it doesn't take too long!
looks like Bold Product Options has been sold and is now managed by news to me!!looks like support goes through them - 
Yes. our product options and the app in the backend have died on our website. have no resolution, but will let you know if we figure something out.
Bump, we have the same problem.
Hi All,We have some products that can be Shipped (Shippable) and some that can only be Collection (Non-shippable). As it stands, If someone adds a Shippable item and a non-Shippable item to their cart then the only delivery option presented is the on...
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