I am trying to figure out how i can increase the size of the product images on the collection pages for Mobile so the customers can see the Designs better. I already tried setting the collection...
I cant figure out how to make the titles smaller on the collection pages. The titles of the products hover the product images. Sometimes even up to 50% like you can see on this picture (on mobile), ...
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UPDATED LINK: https://berkanceyhan.notion.site/Shopify-Product-Image-Slider-Debut-Theme-FREE-f56df4af2f8042ad9aed8e1a84618871
Hey Nathan, i send you a message via email. I'll share the solution here too if someone else needs it: It seems like you didn't implement the Jquery Script correctly. Please head to your theme.js file and add this code at the end of the page: /*Produ...
Hello @Shano96, Please share your Shop Url so I can take a look on it.If you don't want to share it here, you can send it via Email: berkanceyhan@gmail.comKind regardsBerkan
Debut Theme Product Image SliderInstall Instructions: Instructions
Hello everyone!i have developed a swipe-able product image Slider for Debut Theme, as the the debut theme doesn't have it as a native feature.The Slider is mobile friendly and easy to install. And yes its free! Heres a Live Preview of the Slider. Th...
Hello i am trying to align the Butons so they are on the same height:They are pretty much aligned on Desktop Version but on Mobile they are quite shifted.Heres a link of the preview: https://183q70d98d1ondh0-55346790574.shopifypreview.comI hope someo...
Thank you! Is it possible to add this to all the other pages aswell?
Hello!I am trying to remove the white gap between my Newsletter and my Footer in Debut Theme.It should remove this gap:It looks like this on Mobile:The white Gap you can see between the Newsletter to Produkte should be in the same background colour o...
Hello!Im am working with Googles Lighthouse Tool to improve our Speed Score. Right now it looks like this for the mobile version: The specific goal is here to load the third party applications which we dont need to load fast, to load after the page...
This worked perfectly fine. Thank you very much!
Hello, i am trying to show the descriptions of the products of the collection right under the shown product.It is the Featured Collection Section of the Debut Theme.Like this: I tried this in the collection.liquid:But unfortunately it still doesnt ap...
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3467 | 10-26-2021 03:38 AM |