Hi all, My app creates a delivery profile. I'm worried that if I leave the delivery profile there when the app deletes, it will negatively affect re-installation of the app, as it would need to be m...
This is the message: Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end. Request ID: 1b491756-3687-4097-b694-0b0980335121
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That linked issue looks different to the one I was having.
I was able to solve this, are you still stuck?
I'm not sure what you mean 'preemptively', do mean query deliveryProfiles, pull back the first ~25, find the id of the matching named entity, and use that? I mean, that is what I'm trying to avoid. Ideally I'd pass in a query filter (like the one ava...
I guess this is a feature request, as Shopify doesn't seem to have created this functionality. My app creates a deliveryProfile, but if a user uninstalls and reinstalls my app, there is an issue where the deliveryProfile with the same name remains. I...
I was asking if there was another way apart from failing a create attempt.
Thanks, but I am trying to determine this through an API call.
I would like to be able to determine if third party calculated shipping rates are enabled on a store from my app I've developed. How can I test the truth of this, other than trying and failing creating a carrierService?
Wow. No answers, I can't find any information on this. 
Actual weeks, I've spent on this. From a third party developer, to Shopify Support chat, no one was able to tell me why I couldn't get this working. I'm so frustrated, as it makes no sense, but thankful to have uncovered your solution. Thankyou.I don...
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