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Thank you that's really useful info : ))
Hi again, thank you for your time on this. Just to clarify when you say manually update default value you agree that for the moment I need to set all custom types to a NO? Thank you : ))
Hi Neil, yes thank you, I can see when changing the custom product to NO this is working. I am worried though because isn't the Shopify Product Organization there for a reason and relates to the Google Taxonomy sheet and codes? By removing all mappin...
Hi thank you for your replies. So can I confirm we are using correct GTIN codes on most our products, they are in SKU and Barcode fields within Shopify. Everything has been working fine for a year, just recently boom 47.3% of my products are being su...
Wow I am now too experiencing this problem after a year of everything being fine. There has to be a better solution than paying for additional apps or long work arounds. Come on Shopify I pay you to help me sell stuff online and I am hindered in bein...
I appreciate this is an old thread  but now I am experiencing the same issue after a year of everything being fine. When you say google requires you to have the correct format for GTIN codes what do you mean exactly? You: Google requires the correct ...
I am having the same issue with Shopify Google and Google Merchants. I mostly use supplier GTIN codes, and sometimes we create our own codes via VEND if there is a variant or missing GTIN code. However very recently I have many many products (47%) fl...
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