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it seems like this js or json thing is what is the difference. I really don't know what that means but how to I get back to my standard html code edits?
Hi, I want to do this too! but when i access the code for my site I can't find this particular file...under assets I have a component-cart-notification.css and I have a cart-notification.js I'm really frustrated because the edit code options I'm se...
I want to make some changes to the code for my website to reassign h2 tags and/or remove some like the ones that automatically attach to "add to cart" etc. I've done the research on how to do it and did the "inspect" thing but when I go to edit code...
Hi! I'm looking to add some sort of contact form to our ecommerce site so that my potential customer could make an appointment with me for an interior design consultation. I don't think it really needs a big bunch of integration options for calenda...