Good evening, I was trying to add the original price to the cart page to display it to the customers before they purchase their article, but it only displays the sale price of the item. I have alre...
Good evening, today I have noticed that my Add to Cart drawler is a little bit shifted away. As an example I cannot see the Payment Badges beneath the ATC Button. My Store is: https://bamino...
Hey guys, so in my cart drawler (Prestige Theme) I wanted to show the customers the original price like 38,99€ and the discounted price 26,99€. But it only show the discounted price. I have tried e...
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Good evening @KetanKumar ,I havent removed the code, I have duplicated the theme. I am really sorry about the irritation... I hope you can help me Sincerely Eddy.
Hey, thank you so much! It is not disappearing anymore, however if you take a look with mobile it is unfortunately completely shifted and is a little too small as well as the button  Is there any code to make it align with every mobile user ? (IPhon...
@KetanKumar I have accepted your request! I would be really happy about your help. If you solve this issue please tell me where you have changed it and what exactly, so I can help myself for the future with that issue! Thank you so much!Sincerely Edd...
Hey, can you send me a invitation to because on this store I face this issue.Sincerely Eddy.
Can you give me your email ? I will just invite you to my store. I could show you all liquid but it’s too long. I am not even sure what I should look for.thank you so much for your help.Sincerely Eddy.
@KetanKumar I have copy pasted my whole product-form.liquid maybe that help {%- comment -%}Those are the option names for which we automatically detect swatch. For the color, we use them to display a swatch, whilefor size, we use it to display a siz...
Unfortunately the SVG is still disappearing  
Oh.. My bad!<button type="submit" class="ProductForm__AddToCart Button {% if selected_variant.available and section.settings.show_payment_button == false %}Button--primary{% else %}Button--secondary{% endif %} Button--full" {% if selected_variant.ava...
This is the code <span class="ProductForm__Label">{{ }}:{% if color_label contains downcase_option and section.settings.show_color_swatch %}<span class="ProductForm__SelectedValue">{{ option.selected_value }}</span>{% endif %}{%- if size...
Hey thank you so much for the help!Unfortunately I haven't meant the hover effect, but the SVG on the button. As you select an different variant of the product the SVG is completely disappearing and also the size of the button is changing.Sincerely E...
Hey guys,I wanted to add an SVG Icon to my Add to cart button and it did work, however as soon as I take a different variant of the product the change disappears.Is there maybe any HTML command to make it solid ?My store:
Thank you so much!!!If you have any time left I would be so happy if you could take a look into my other post, about the SVG Icon.Have a great day my friend 
Yes of course!{%- capture section_settings -%}{"type": {{ settings.cart_type | json }},"itemCount": {{ cart.item_count }},"drawer": true,"hasShippingEstimator": false}{%- endcapture -%}<div id="sidebar-cart" class="Drawer Drawer--fromRight" aria-hidd...
Hey guys,I wanted to add an SVG Icon to my Add to cart button and it did work, however as soon as I take a different variant of the product the change disappears.Is there maybe any HTML command to make it solid ?My store:
Hey,I have made the store online. The link is: for your help! 
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