May 10, 2021
Hello , My website getting about 100 visitors per day, predominately google text ads and shopping ads, but it still keeping low conversion. Only few visitors add product to cart ...
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I got this problem too, do you fixed it?
Maybe you can try to edit code in theme.liquid
theme.liquid{%- comment -%}{{ content_for_header }}{%- endcomment -%}{{ content_for_header | replace: '12345', '' }}
So what can I do? Need To edit code?
Visitors Not Tracked: Visitors Problem:
Today i got one visitor only.Also i use suppout chat to told Shopify Support Advisor, so he just told me what different is google analytics and shopify , how my ads conversions.He didnt fix this problem.
Since Yesterday I got this problem too!My Google Ads account are showing 103 clicks,but Shopify and Google Analytics showing low traffic,only 15 (shopify) and 2 (google analytics) Visitors.