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ok i had to resolve this myself, down a long a whindy road via articles sent to me "support" at shopify. heres how: 1. Created a new "shipping profile" with the products that ONLY ship from that location2. created the shipping rates3. Selected the sa...
thank you for your response Sha We have flat rate shipping at the moment for all products and regions,And we have tried the profiles but this didn't help because of the free shipping threshold. how would you propose to fix?
our store ships from 3 different locations so if a customer orders 2 items and 1 item is despatched from each location and each are under the free shipping threshold then the customer is charged for two shipments. has anyone found a workaround for th...
I have the same issues too! i cant find ay fix anywhere
awesome thanks you - that's almost there  there's still a border, can we remove this too? 
it is Montique Clothing | Official Website - Shop Now
Do you think you could help me out too? i have tried the above code but it will not work on my dawn theme version 13.0.1 our url:
I'm wondering how I can change the background colour for the product title & price only on the product card without affecting any other text on the website (such as the product page.) (We will phase out the white backgrounds eventually and are using ...
@websensepro  were in dev still here is the preview: 
I would like to change the text of the sub menu to align to the main category above BUT not loose the function of the mega menu. the only menus that require the mega menu are dresses and wedding.
thanks @Dan-From-Ryviu but this is for the "more blogs" section not the feature blog only options on the section are heading size and what blog to link to... i think it would require css change
thanks @PMike but i cannot find "blogs.liquid" or "article-template.liquid." in my codesor the blogs codes do not have the coding{% for image in article.images %}<img src="{{ image | img_url }}" alt="{{ image.alt }}" />{% endfor %}
I would like to make the images on the blog posts section to be square not rectangle. i am using dawn theme.see below ref: 
@PageFly-Richard I have found that this changes the size on the product page and this looks weird can we change the code to exclude the code on the product page?
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